Sigil Docs: Example Programs
Sigil / Documentation / Example Programs
A Command-line Greeting Program
module main import prelude sys.console.(get-line put-line) greet ⮜ String → String greet name ≜ "Hello, ${name}" main ⮜ IO Unit main ≜ do put-line "What is your name?" name ← get-line put-line (greet name)
This code would compile to javascript and describes a webpage with
- A header (h1) displaying 'Hello from Sigil'
- a line break
- an input element where the user can input text
- a span which displays the text the user input, but reversed
module main import glint glint-dom main : IO Unit main ≜ main-widget ⧺ do h1 (text "Hello from Sigil") br text ← input-element dyn-text ⧺ arr reversed <<< value_of text
Command-line Calculator
A simple calculator: it reads a line of input, e.g. "2 + 3 * 10" and performs the corresponding calculation (here, yielding 32).
module main import early arith ⮜ ⟨N : 𝕌⟩ → Grammar N (Prod N String String ℝ) arith ≜ do x1 ← rule $ _+_ <$> x1 << token "+" <*> x2 <|> x2 x2 ← rule $ _×_ <$> x2 << token "*" <*> x3 <|> x3 x3 ← rule $ (read <*> satisfy isNum) <|> token "(" *> x1 <* token ")" pure x1 main ≜ do input ← get-line expr ← parse (parser arith) (words input) φ expr. :ok val → print val :err message → print "Error: ${message}"))