Sigil Overview
Sigil / Overview
Comments are denoted with either the '⍝' symbol (for single line comments) or the '⋳' and '⋻' symbols for multi-line comments.
⍝ This is a comment ⋳ This is the start of a multi-line comment it continues here... ... and ends here ⋻
The sigil langauges feature a series of hierarchical universes, typed
𝕌 = 𝕌₀, 𝕌₁, 𝕌₂, …
Functions and Variables
As a dependently-typed lambda calculus, Sigil has functions and the
dependent product type. Use λ to start a function, followd by one or more
arguments, which are (optionally annotated) symbols (annotations use the ⮜
). A
simple identity function would look like:
⍝ The identity function λ A (x ⮜ A) → A ⍝ The identity function's type (A ⮜ 𝕌) → A → A
Parameters (variables) can use underscores to associate themselves with a particular fixity. There is currently no way of declaring precedence.
⍝ infix is allowed λ _+_ n m → n + m ⍝ prefix is allowed (and is also the default, so the underscore is unnecessary) λ f_ x → f x ⍝ postfix is allowed λ n _! → n ! ⍝ closed is allowed λ ⌊_⌋ x → ⌊ x ⌋ ⍝ can be combined λ if_then_else_ c e1 e2 → if c then e1 else e2
Inductive Types
Inductive types are probably the most distinct from what you might expect.
Inductive types are declared with the μ
keyword. This is followed by the name
of the type you wish to declare (in the below example, 'N'), alonf with its'
kind. On a newline (and indented) you can then declare any number of
constructors. IMPORTANT: The name (below, N), is only bound in the inductive
type declaration.
μ N ⮜ 𝕌. zero ⮜ N succ ⮜ N → N
Inductive constructors must be prefixed via a colon ':' character, and must be paired with the type they are from. If we imagine that 'N' is bound the the type above, then the following are valid inductive values:
:zero ﹨ N (:succ ﹨ N) (:zero ﹨ N)
This is important to note when doing pattern-matching, as patterns also use the colon prefix. The pattern-matching construct is also somewhat unusual, in that it involves simultaneously defining a recursive function and immediately invoking it. The induction term uses the 'φ' keyword, followed by the name and type of the recursive function that you are defining. Then, after a comma ',' provide the value that the function is being called with. As an example, the 'add' function would be defined as follows:
λ n m → φ rec ⮜ N → N, m. :zero → n :succ → succ (rec i)
Module Header
module test.vals import num.nat.(..)
Definitions are given as a name followed by the '≜' keyword, and then the expression (value) which you want to define. For example, the below assigns the Natural number type (used earlier) to the symbol 'ℕ'.
ℕ ≜ μ M ⮜ 𝕌. zero ⮜ M succ ⮜ M → M
Definitions can also come with annotations beforehand, allowing annotations to be omitted from function arguments:
id ⮜ (A ⮜ 𝕌) → A → A id ≜ λ A x → x
Function definitions can also use a list of names before the '≜' as arguments to the function:
_+_ ⮜ ℕ → ℕ → ℕ _+_ n m ≜ φ rec ⮜ ℕ → ℕ, m. :zero → n :succ i → succ (rec i)
Tip: define utility funtions/values that bundle an inductive constructor to make defining inductive values more convenient.
zero ≜ :zero ﹨ ℕ succ ≜ :succ ﹨ ℕ
Queries are currently an ad-hoc interface to the unification engine, which (will) be used for type inference and type classes. They are largely for debugging the unifier, but you might find it fun to play with them.
Queries are (in essence) their own language, with the following grammar, assumign E represents a (normal) sigil expression:
Each type of query has the following meaning:
An equality query will succeed if the two expressions are equal. For example, the below query succeeds.
𝕌 ≅ 𝕌
A habitation query will succeed if the two left hand expression is a value whose type is the right hand expression. For example, the below query succeeds.
𝕌 ∈ 𝕌₁
A conjoined qieru will succeed if both sub-queries succeed, and fail otherwise. For example, the below query succeeds.
(𝕌 ∈ 𝕌₁) ∧ (𝕌 ≅ 𝕌)
An existential query ∃ x ⮜ E. Q
will succeed if there is some value of x
which will make Q succeed. If it does suceed, then the value of x
that it
derives will be returned. As an example, the below query will succeed "solved with n ↦ :succ :zero".
∃ n ⮜ ℕ. n + one ≅ two
Universal Quantification
A universal query ∀ x ⮜ E. Q
will succeed if all values x
of type E
make Q succeed. They can be combined with existential queries. As an example,
the below query will succeed "solved with m ↦ n".
∀ n ⮜ ℕ. ∃ m ⮜ n ≅ m