Sigil Tooling

Sigil / Tooling


The sigil executable can be launched in 4 modes - when starting the program, you MUST choose a mode (provided as a command-line argument). The invocation for each mode is as follows:

  • sigil interactive
  • sigil interactive-line
  • sigil server
  • sigil compile

Interactive Mode

When launching in interactive mode, a TUI much like the one below will open. This interface is divided into 5 panes: These panes can be navigated between with the Ctrl + up/down/left/right arrows.


On the left, the top pane is the text input area. This is where you start. Vim keybindings are available for editing (not all are available) (sorry if you don't like vim). Further, the following commands will also be available in Normal mode:

  • ; e e → Evaluate an expression
  • ; e q → Run a query
  • ; m f → Load module from file (will prompt for filename)
  • ; m i → Add module import (will prompt for import statement)
  • Spc + q q → Quit

When in one of the three panes on the left (the package, module and import the up/down arrows can be used to select a package/module/import statement), and the 'd' key will delete it.

Unicode Character Input

The syntax of Sigil makes heavy use of unicode characters. The text input area allows these to be implemented in through special 'codes'. To use a code type a semicolon ';' followed by a sequence of keys corresponding to the glyph.

Letter Code Mnemonic
λ gl greek l
μ gm greek m
φ gf greek f
ι gi greek i
ρ gr greek r
𝕌 sU struck U
de define equal to
le left pointer
ex exists
fa for all
in inhabits

Subscripts are written with an underscore, e.g. _2 → ₂, superscripts with a caret, e.g. ^2 → ².

Interactive Line Mode


Server Mode


Compile Mode

Not implemented